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International journal of Human _ Disaster (Cover).jpg
KCI등재후보 학술저널

A Study on the Prevention of Secondary Accidents Based on the Analysis of High-Speed Train Accidents

A Study on the Prevention of Secondary Accidents Based on the Analysis of High-Speed Train Accidents

DOI : 10.22471/disaster.2022.7.2.31
  • 11

Purpose: Railroads are public transportation used by a large number of unspecified passengers, and the vehicle itself is large and very fast, so there is a lower probability of general accidents than road traffic, but once it occurs, it leads to a major accident, causing great human and property damage. In particular, high-speed railways run-ning at 300km/h are obliged to realize the value of absolute safety, but in 2021, the number of high-speed railway accidents increased from 1 to 4 compared to the previous year, causing the reliability of railways to drop sharply. In order to prevent high-speed railway accidents through this, two aspects, primary accident prevention and secondary accident minimization, should be considered at the same time. Method: The study applied Heinrich's Law(Heinrich's Law), the principle of industrial safety, called the law of 1:29:300, in which dozens of minor accidents and hundreds of signs must appear before a major accident. In particular, it analyzed cases of high-speed railway accidents, which are major accidents among domestic railway accidents, and large-scale derailment accidents by overseas high-speed railway operators. One major accident is caused by hundreds of signs and repetitive and unconscious behaviors that cause the accident. Preemptive pre-ventive measures are needed to prevent further major accidents from occurring on high-speed railways. Results: The causes of derailment accidents among high-speed train accidents in Korea were railroad workers' insensitivity to railway safety, lack of business cooperation between workers in different occupations, and lack of KORAIL safety management system. Overseas high-speed train accidents were derailment accidents in Ger-many, China, and France, which were also caused by railroad workers' ignorance and lack of safety management systems. In order for railway safety to become an absolute value, the need for train wireless protection was emphasized not only to preemptively prevent primary accidents but also to minimize secondary accidents. Conclusion: In this paper, train wireless protection devices were considered to prevent secondary accidents among railway safety fields. The train wireless protection devices warns other train engineers nearby to take emergency measures within a 2-4km radius when the engineer of the train presses the switch of the train pro-tection device in the event of an emergency such as an accident during train operation. Railway accidents must continue to innovate the safety system for interfaces between sub-systems, so if train wireless protection devices are technically upgraded and systematic response algorithms are developed and applied to railway sites, it will be possible to block the "1" major accidents referred to in Heinrich's Law. In the future, empirical research on the contents of the study more requires experimental application considering the railway operation organization and operating environment.

1. Introduction

2. Analysis of Domestic and Foreign High-Speed Train Accidents

3. Train Wireless Protection Device to Prevent the Secondary Accidents

4. Conclusion

5. References

6. Appendix
