A Study on the Teaching Method of the Fire Extinguishment Education Based on the NCS
A Study on the Teaching Method of the Fire Extinguishment Education Based on the NCS
- International Journal of Human & Disaster
- vol.7 no.2
- : KCI등재후보
- 2022.09
- 42 - 51 (10 pages)
Purpose: This study aims to examine the development direction of fire extinguishing education based on NCS on the teaching method of fire extinguishing education in the Navy. Fire extinguishment education is composed of basic education from basic remuneration to advanced education. Especially, since the Navy is mainly formed inside the ship composed of sealed compartments, fire extinguishing education is very important because there are such phenomena as Flameover, Backdraft, Flashover, Rollover, etc. except for special cases. And also, this study is focused on the fire extinguishing education for NCS-based education on beginner courses in the navy. Method: As a research method, the contents is developed focusing on literature review. At the same time, I work as a petty officer for 16 years and also consider the part that I actually experience as a field expert in the navy. Especially, I would like to propose an NCS-based education method that is used in most of the society in order to introduce the current fire extinguishment department in education and training. Results: In conclusion, the lecture-oriented education is still the most frequently conducted in our military. However, in order to promote the participation of learners through systematic education and training system based on NCS and job-specific education, which can be one of the field and lecture halls, and to apply it to the elementary fire-extinguishing education in the military, it is necessary to develop the NCS-based learning module together with the teaching and learning design and the teaching and learning process plan. Conclusion: Finally, the NCS learning module is designed to cultivate the ability to solve the job in case of exhibition or emergency. Therefore, it is effective for the students to diagnose the learning by preparing the result table and self-assessment checklist after the training and to perform grouping and individual practice according to the practice guide after the teacher provides the explanation and demonstration of the practice guide at the introduction of the class. In order to utilize the learning module effectively, teachers should thoroughly analyze the NCS to understand the contents and level of job ability required in the field work, and to have practical skills and expertise that can be used for performance evaluation. Especially, the new instructors should thoroughly analyze the contents of NCS related to the practical curriculum and prepare for the following matters in designing the teaching and learning process. The following research is to compare the satisfaction of NCS subject and NCS subject.
1. Introduction
2. National Competency Standards
3. The Understanding of Fire Extinguishment in the Navy
4. The Development Direction of NCS Based Fire Extinguishment Education
5. Conclusions
6. References
7. Appendix