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International journal of Martial Arts (Cover).jpg
KCI등재후보 학술저널

The Effect of Taekwondo Leaders’ Sympathy on Competitiveness Recognized as Exercise Immersive

The Effect of Taekwondo Leaders’ Sympathy on Competitiveness Recognized as Exercise Immersive

DOI : 10.22471/martialarts.2022.7.2.58
  • 15

Purpose: This study revealed the effect of taekwondo leaders' sympathy on athletic performance perceived as immersive. Corona 19 has increased anxiety due to abandonment of the university(exercise) due to the cancella-tion of the tournament. Attempts to provide materials. Method: Players(Kyoruki, Poomsae, demo) who participated in the tournament sponsored by the Korea Taekwondo Association(19th Korea Taekwondo Association President's Cup, 2022 National Taekwondo Champi-onship) for about one month from February to March 2022. A recruitment team was selected in, and a question-naire was distributed, and a total of 278 copies were used for the final analysis. After explaining the purpose and purpose of this study to the players, questionnaires were distributed. As a data processing method, frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, multiplex, and simple regression analysis were performed using SPSS 21.0, and the following conclusions were drawn based on the results. Results: First, it was found that the sympathy of taekwondo leaders had a significant effect on exercise im-mersion. Second, the sympathy of taekwondo leaders has been shown to have a significant effect on perceived competitiveness. Third, it was shown that exercise immersion has a significant effect on perceived competitive-ness. Conclusion: First, since this study was conducted with players participating in the tournament from February to March 2022, it is somewhat difficult to generalize. Second, since this study was conducted with athletes par-ticipating in the official competition hosted by the Korea Taekwondo Association, it is somewhat difficult to gen-eralize to the public confidence of all leaders. Therefore, in follow-up studies, it is judged that more diverse results will be obtained if a long period of time is selected and the study is conducted.

1. Introduction

2. Research Method

3. Research Tool

4. Verification of Validity and Reliability of Measurement Tools

5. Data Processing Method

6. Research Results

7. Argument

8. Results and Suggestions

9. References

10. Appendix
