A Study on the Utilization of the National Occupational Competency Standards for the Development of Security Field
A Study on the Utilization of the National Occupational Competency Standards for the Development of Security Field
- International Journal of Terrorism & National Security
- vol.7 no.2
- : KCI등재후보
- 2022.09
- 1 - 8 (8 pages)
Purpose: In Korea's industrial sites, the state standardizes the skills required to perform duties and supports to foster the field-oriented talents, yet the use of the National Occupational Competency Standards in the security industry is very inadequate. Method: In this study, the current status of the security industry and the operation of the National Occupa-tional Competency Standards are reviewed, and the National Occupational Competency Standards for the devel-opment of the security industry are conducted based on the interviews with the experts applying to the security industry using the National Occupational Competency Standards towards the efficient use of the Standards. Results: In the security industry, the National Occupational Competency Standards are not functioning properly given the dual contents provided by the existing Security Services Industry Act and the new National Occupational Competency Standards. Accordingly, it is required to change the legislative system which can more actively utilize the Security Services Industry Act and National Occupational Competency Standards and further improve the National Occupational Competency Standards. Conclusion: For the development of the security industry, this study presents the following conclusions. First, in the security industry and the NCS-based education system, the curriculum of the Security Services Industry Act and the education system of the NCS must be unified to reestablish the curriculum. Second, the classification of the duties of the Security Services Industry Act and the level of the NCS according to the occupational rating must be reestablished in a systematic and progressive direction by comprehensively examining the industrial reality and foreign cases. Third, it must be redeveloped as a comprehensive and efficient model by collecting the opin-ions of experts in each field for the inspection of the security industry and the NCS-based system.
1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Background
3. Research Method
4. Research Result
5. Conclusion
6. References
7. Appendix