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KCI등재후보 학술저널

Asymmetry of Motor Symptoms and Neuronal Degeneration in Parkinson's Disease: A Brief Scoping Review

Asymmetry of Motor Symptoms and Neuronal Degeneration in Parkinson's Disease: A Brief Scoping Review

DOI : 10.22471/kinesiology.2022.7.2.59
  • 29

Purpose: Parkinson’s disease(PD), the fastest-growing neurodegenerative disease, is a movement disorder that manifests unilaterally. Clinical studies, neuroimaging studies, and longitudinal studies all indicate that the clinical features and progression of PD are asymmetric. The asymmetry of PD is thought to be an important clue in understanding the disease's pathophysiology. The purpose of this study is to see how the concept of PD asym-metry evolved over time, to identify the different types of asymmetry that can be seen in PD, and to understand the clinical implications of the different types of asymmetry in PD. Method: The following were our review questions. (1)How has PD asymmetry research evolved over time? (2)What types of asymmetry can be seen in PD? (3)What are the clinical implications of the various types of asymmetry seen in PD? To investigate such questions, we used the keywords "Parkinson" and(“symmetry” or “asymmetry”) in PubMed. Articles about idiopathic Parkinson’s disease(iPD) patients with a clear concept of sym-metry or asymmetry that were peer-reviewed and written in English were included. The type of article, partici-pants, three main keywords, and the type of symmetry concepts in the study were extracted. We excluded studies that did not include patients with idiopathic PD or that did not have a clear concept of symmetry. Results: Based on a PubMed search, the number of published articles on iPD and symmetry gradually in-creased beginning in the 1980s. Of the 563 articles that were initially searched, 333 articles were related to both iPD and symmetry or asymmetry concepts. There were 171 articles on nervous system asymmetry, 133 on motor symptoms and gait asymmetry, 24 on disease presentation asymmetry, and 5 on anatomical or histological struc-tures asymmetry. The majority(n = 70) of the 171 studies on nervous system asymmetry dealt with lateralization of brain function and the resulting asymmetries in motor symptoms and disease manifestations in iPD patients. Conclusion: Asymmetry in iPD patients has mainly been studied based on nervous system asymmetry, motor symptoms, and overall disease presentation. Other types of asymmetry, such as asymmetry in anatomical and histological structures, have been studied in some studies. Asymmetry in iPD is not only an inherent feature of the disease; it also appears to be related to the disease's various symptoms and signs. As a result, more research is needed to better understand the pathophysiology of iPD and to provide iPD patients with a prognosis and advice for disease management.

1. Introduction

2. Methods

3. Results

4. Conclusion

5. References

6. Appendix
