The Effect of Socio-Cultural Attitude towards Appearance on the Medical Skin Care Customer Behaviors' Intention: With a Focus on the Sequential Mediating Effect of the Medical Skin Care Involvement and the Appearance Related Quality of Life
The Effect of Socio-Cultural Attitude towards Appearance on the Medical Skin Care Customer Behaviors' Intention: With a Focus on the Sequential Mediating Effect of the Medical Skin Care Involvement and the Appearance Related Quality of Life
- Protection Convergence
- vol.7 no.2
- : KCI등재후보
- 2022.09
- 15 - 30 (16 pages)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is such that, the socio-cultural attitude towards appearance and the effect of medical skin care customer behaviors’ intention were analyzed, and the effect of medical skin care involvement and the appearance related quality of life sequentially was studied, while the basic data was presented for stra-tegic counseling and promotional marketing expansion of medical skin care according to socio-cultural attitude towards appearance and customer behaviors’ intention. Method: In this study, a statistical analysis was performed by using the SPSS 25.0 and PROCESS macro for SPSS programs as an empirical analytical method for 507 copies through an online questionnaire in the Seoul metro-politan area targeting men and women in their 20s and 60s, and the independent sample t-test was used to confirm the difference among the major variables according to gender, and the model 6 analysis was performed by using the SPSS Process Macro to verify the research model. Results: In terms of the results of this study, first, as a result of confirming the differences among the major variables according to gender, significant differences were found in the socio-cultural attitude towards appear-ance, appearance related quality of life, and the customer behaviors’ intention. The socio-cultural attitude to-wards appearance did not directly affect the customer behaviors’ intention, but a high extent of medical skin care involvement increased appearance related quality of life and affected the customer behaviors’ intention where the sequential mediating effect was found, and in terms of the difference between male and female pathways, it was found that the higher the quality of life related to appearance, the higher the customer behaviors’ intention. Conclusion: According to the results of this study, women with high skin care behavior according to the socio-cultural attitude and aesthetic desire and men with a weakened relationship between quality of life and customer behaviors’ intention were appropriate for the intention to purchase according to their appearance, depending on gender, and from a positive point of view, it is necessary to approach the counseling services and marketing that can increase the intention to purchase through the external beauty. The increase in the appearance related qual-ity of life according to the extent of medical skin care involvement affects the customer behaviors’ intention, which provides the service information that can promote a stable life and provides self-care through the various beauty lifestyles through the skin care, and hence, it is considered that it would be necessary to provide the information that not only self-satisfaction but also the overall quality of life is affected.
1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Background
3. Research Method
4. Research Results
5. Conclusion
6. References
7. Appendix