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KCI등재후보 학술저널

A Study on the Automatic Facial Recognition System for Cosmetic Surgery Based on Physiognomy -With a Focus on the Shape of Eye

A Study on the Automatic Facial Recognition System for Cosmetic Surgery Based on Physiognomy -With a Focus on the Shape of Eye

DOI : 10.22471/protective.2022.7.2.31
  • 4

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to develop a system for the cosmetic surgery procedures to help improve the work efficiency for those who specialize in the cosmetic surgery, and increase their satisfaction with proce-dures and surgical results for their customers. For instance, when a customer's eyes are illuminated on a mobile screen, the physiognomy characteristics can be automatically recognized, which can help determine a procedure for the eye surgery or operation. And since the distance between the eyes can be automatically recognized, it is possible to predict the scope and method of cosmetic surgery focused on the eyes, thereby increasing the satis-faction of the customers who desire a good physiognomy and appearance. Method: First, each part(front of the eye, tail of the eye, upper line, and underline) forming the shape of the eye, the top and bottom of the face, the left and right sides of the pupil, and the points characterizing the end-points of the cheekbones are designated as the points on the coordinate plane as the feature point. Second, after defining the physiognomy related elements and the cosmetic surgery elements with a mathe-matical formula, the coordinate values for the feature points are automatically obtained by the facial recognition technology, and the cosmetic surgery image according to the physiognomy is calculated according to the calcu-lation result entered in the formula, thereby setting the standards for determination. Third, since the shape of the eye can be distinguished when the condition given by the equation is satisfied with respect to the feature points input as coordinates, the method for outputting physiognomy and cosmetic surgery determinations can be presented. Results: As it was determined that the eye shape and the distance between the eyes have a large effect on physiognomy, the method for determining the procedure and standard for cosmetic surgery as an automatic facial recognition system was proposed. Conclusion: The experts of the service industry for the cosmetic surgery identify the eye shape of the customers who desire to change the shape of the eye, and are thinking about whether the shape according to the needs can harmonize with the image on the entire face, and solve it accordingly, and as a method, make reference to the physiognomy. At which time, the backed-up physiognomy knowledge of the app program based on this system is automatically searched, and efficient results can be expected. Hence, this paper will be used as a basis for establishing a system that suggests the procedures or surgical directions such as makeup, plastic surgery, and tattoos.

1. Introduction

2. Name and Coordinates of the Shape

3. Physiognomy by the Eye Shape

4. Conclusion

5. References

6. Appendix
