A Study on the Regulations Concerning the Purchase Related Decision Making Factors of Interest in Beauty according to the Cosmeceutical Perception of the Tendency for Practical Consumption
A Study on the Regulations Concerning the Purchase Related Decision Making Factors of Interest in Beauty according to the Cosmeceutical Perception of the Tendency for Practical Consumption
- Protection Convergence
- vol.7 no.2
- : KCI등재후보
- 2022.09
- 54 - 73 (20 pages)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine and understand what factors influence the consumers with their practical consumption related tendency to purchase the cosmeceutical products. Method: In this study, the practical consumption related tendency, cosmeceutical perception, and the pur-chase decision making factors were measured as the dependent variables. Results: As a result of the significant study conducted on the purchase related decision making factors, first, it was confirmed that the consumers’ tendency for the practical consumption only during the discounted sales period or they make purchases by comparing the type, price, and the quality of the brands they are interested in. Second, as for the interest in beauty, the UV rays are more related to the skin aging(83%) than the need to consume the beauty related food(69.2%), and the appearance-oriented consumers responded that they are will-ing to undergo cosmetic surgeries if they need cosmetic surgeries(8.8%). Third, the perception of cosmeceuticals demonstrated the preference for natural cosmetics(68.1%) and the scientific evidence(65.9%). Lastly, the decision to purchase cosmeceuticals demonstrated the importance in the order of all ingredients(88.7%), effective-ness(87.6%), eco-friendliness(87.2%), stability(86.8%), and mental effects on the fragrance(84%), respectively. The direct, indirect, and the total effects of cosmeceutical perception were significant as the purchase related decision making factors according to the interest in beauty, and the correlation analytical result and the confirm-atory analysis of the research model were significant as a positive(+) relationship. Conclusion: As a result of such study conducted, cosmeceutical is a word which divides the quality of functional cosmetics, and the producers need to form a market which could commercialize and provide the customer needs, and according to the consumer preferences, capacity, fragrance, ingredients and efficacy, and correlation with skin, the originality and value of the study may be recognized since it has derived the implications for the development of cosmeceutical products which may be positioned through the studies.
1. Background of and Need for the Study
2. Purpose of the Study
3. Distinction of the Study
4. Definition of Cosmetics and the Classification of Items
5. Design of the Study
6. Results of the Empirical Analysis
7. Conclusion
8. References
9. Appendix