The Effects of Installing the New Police Box or Constabulary on Crime
The Effects of Installing the New Police Box or Constabulary on Crime
- Regulations (구 International Journal of Police and Policing)
- vol.7 no.2
- : KCI등재후보
- 2022.09
- 37 - 46 (10 pages)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to understand the effect of police force on crime. To discuss in more detail, it is intended to understand the change in the number of crimes caused by the police's new police box. Among the various variables that measure police force, police substations such as police constabulary and police box are important variables. In particular, if the police force is improved through the opening of a new police box, crime suppressive effects are also expected to increase. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to compare the difference between the number of theft and violent crimes caused by the police's new police box. Method: The data used in this study are data on theft and violence in a city of 500,000 people located in Gyeongsangbukdo region. More specifically, a specific administrative dong(Gupyeong-dong in Gumi City) of the city are subject to analysis. Data for a total of 39 months from 2012(January) to 2015(May) were analyzed. More specifically, this study compared and analyzed the number of thefts and violent crimes that occurred before and after the opening of the police box in October 2013. In this study, a T-test was attempted for average comparison. Results: As a result of statistical analysis, it was confirmed that the police force has the ability to suppress crimes in this study. In many existing police studies, it is understood that the police force has a positive or mean-ingless effect on crime. In addition, few previous studies have identified the relationship between the establish-ment of new police substations and crime. Conclusion: Through this study, it is an important result showing that the establishment of a new police box by the police has a suppressive effect on crime. As shown in this study, it can be seen that the newly established police box statistically significantly reduced theft and violent crime. In other words, police forces have reduced crime. This result is important evidence to support the discussion of existing classical criminology and neoclassical criminology. The theory of inhibition developed in classical criminology is understood as an important mechanism by which police can suppress criminals. In particular, it is understood that the establishment of a police box has increased the fear of punishment for criminals. In addition, based on neoclassical criminology, it is understood that the establishment of a police box would have worked to strengthen surveillance and increase the risk of punishment. Based on the results of this study, more policy discussions should be held to maximize the effect of reducing and inhibiting crime opportunities by establishing more small police boxes than large-scale police sub-stations.
1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Background
3. Research Method
4. Result
5. Conclusion
6. References
7. Appendix