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KCI등재후보 학술저널

The Effects of Appearance Management Behaviors on Self-Esteem of Korean Beauty Salon Customers for Public Value: Focused on the Mediating Effect of Appearance Satisfaction and Body Image Recognition

The Effects of Appearance Management Behaviors on Self-Esteem of Korean Beauty Salon Customers for Public Value: Focused on the Mediating Effect of Appearance Satisfaction and Body Image Recognition

DOI : 10.22471/value.2022.7.2.161
  • 13

Purpose: This study aims to identify the factors affecting self-esteem, which is recognized as an important motive and major factor in human behavior in all areas of life for customers who use beauty services. The purpose of this study is to verify the mediating and sequential mediating effects of Appearance Satisfaction and Body Image Recognition in the relationship between Appearance Management Behaviors and Self-esteem. Through this, basic data for vitalization of the beauty industry can be obtained. Method: A total of 225 questionnaires were collected online for men and women over the age of 20 who had experience using beauty salons nationwide. As the empirical analysis method, SPSS 25.0 was used, and frequency analysis, validity, reliability, correlation, and multiple regression analysis were performed. Exploratory factor analysis was performed to verify the validity of the measurement tool used in this study. In addition, in order to verify the mediating effect, it was analyzed using Process Macro No. 6 model. Results: The results of the analysis conducted are as follows. First, self-esteem did not show a significant cor-relation with Appearance Management Behaviors(p>.05), and showed a statistically significant positive correla-tion with Appearance Satisfaction(r=.563, p<.001). Self-esteem showed a statistically significant positive(+) cor-relation with Body Image Recognition(r=.214, p<.01), and Appearance Satisfaction showed a statistically signifi-cant positive(+) relationship with Appearance Management Behaviors. negative correlation(r=.180, p<.01). Body Image Recognition showed a statistically significant positive(+) correlation with Appearance Management Be-haviors(r=.381, p<.001). Second, as a result of the mediating effect verification, the self-esteem of Appearance Management Behaviors The total and direct effects were not statistically significant. Mediating effect Looking at the significance results for each pathway, it was determined that the mediating effect of Appearance Satis-faction was statistically significant in the relationship between Appearance Management Behaviors and Self-esteem. In the relationship between Appearance Management Behaviors and Self-esteem, the mediating effect of Body Image Recognition was judged to be statistically significant. Each showed a complete mediating effect. However, in the relationship between Appearance Management Behaviors and Self-esteem, the sequential me-diating effects of Appearance Satisfaction and Body Image Recognition were judged not to be statistically signif-icant. Conclusion: It was found that Appearance Management Behaviors do not directly affect self-esteem, but affect self-esteem by increasing Appearance Satisfaction and Body Image Recognition. It has been further clarified that Appearance Management Behaviors affect not only the external changes of an individual, but also the internal part. In this study, we were able to integrated analyze variables and identify specific processes. Based on the results of this study, in order to increase self-esteem, which is an important need of modern people, it is necessary to help them recognize the correct body image. There is a need to inform customers who use beauty shops about obesity and health, and to diversify body shape management programs. In order to improve appearance, it is expected that various beauty industries that can enhance body image recognition as well as hair styling, makeup, face-oriented skin care, and fashion styling are expected to increase actively.

1. Introduction

2. Research Method

3. Results

4. Conclusion

5. References

6. Appendix
