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KCI등재후보 학술저널

The Effects of Perceptions of Professionalism on Job Satisfaction of Korean Hair-Beauty Shop Workers for Public Value: Focused on the Mediation Effect of Job Stress

The Effects of Perceptions of Professionalism on Job Satisfaction of Korean Hair-Beauty Shop Workers for Public Value: Focused on the Mediation Effect of Job Stress

DOI : 10.22471/value.2022.7.2.173
  • 7

Purpose: In this study, the correlation between Job Stress, Perceptions of Professional-ism, and Job Satisfaction that people in the beauty industry, where there is a steady demand for manpower even in the era of the 4th industrial revolution. It aims to increase the public value of workers who do repetitive and emotional labor to-gether. The purpose of this study is to understand the relationship between factors through empirical analysis and to obtain effective human management data for job satisfaction. Method: This study was conducted for Korean Hair-beauty Shop workers, and to verify the research question, 611 questionnaires distributed and collected nationwide were used. Empirical statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 25.0 program, and frequency analysis, factor analysis were used. To understand the relationship be-tween variables, multiple regression analysis and mediating effect analysis were performed. In the statistical analysis, statistical significance was determined based on the significance level of 5%. Results: First, in the relationship between expert perception and Job Satisfaction, Use of Reference Groups, Service Belief, and Autonomy were found to have a significant positive(+) effect on Job Satisfaction. Second, Use of Reference Groups, Service Belief, Self -regulation and Autonomy were found to have a significant positive(+) effect on Welfare and Salary Satisfaction. Third, Use of Reference Groups, Service Belief, and Autonomy were found to have a significant positive(+) effect on Relationship Satisfaction. Fourth, Job Stress of Hair-beauty shop workers had a negative(-) effect on Job Satisfaction, and played a mediating role in the relationship between Perceptions of Professionalism and Job Satisfaction. Conclusion: Since the hair and beauty industry has both emotional labor and professional attributes, the stress received from customers was generally large. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to have professional knowledge and to explain or convince the customer. In addition, creating a work atmosphere where free com-munication is possible will help relieve stress and boost morale among employees. In addition, by increasing the Perceptions of Professionalism of Hair-beauty Shop workers, it is possible to not only increase Job Satisfaction but also to decrease Job Stress, and the lowered Job Stress can result in raising Job Satisfaction again. Therefore, professionalism and stress management of Hair-beauty shop workers can contribute to increasing the production efficiency of the shop by increasing Job Satisfaction.

1. Introduction

2. Research Method

3. Results

4. Conclusion

5. References

6. Appendix
