최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

魯城 坡平尹氏家 宗會詩 연구

A Study on the poetic works produced in the poetic club of the Noseong Papyrong Yoon’s Family

DOI : 10.17293/dbkcls.2022.92.
  • 18

본 연구는 노성 파평윤씨가 종회에서 수창된 시문학 작품을 분석하여 종회와 학문 활동, 시적 형상화 양상 등을 고찰하는 데 목적이 있다. 노종오방파는 노성을 근거지로 삼아 금산, 연산, 공주, 부여 등 충남 남부 일대에서 활발한 사족 활동을 전개하였으며, 17세기 기호사림학자들과 더불어 당대를 풍미했던 걸출한 인물들을 배출하였다. 동토 윤순거, 용서 윤원거, 노서 윤선거, 명재 윤증이 대표적이다. 이들은 절의와 학문으로 세상에 명망이 높았으며, 실천적 학문의 가학을 현실에 구현하여 문중에 종약과 종학당을 설치하고 봄가을로 종회를 열어 노성 파평윤씨가의 학문적 토대와 기틀을 마련하였다. 노성 파평윤씨가는 이때 마련한 종약의 가르침에 따라 수많은 인재를 배출하여 기호지방을 대표하는 명문가의 위상을 보존하였으며, 오늘날에도 종회의 전통을 이어 친족의 화목을 도모하고 있다. 노성 파평윤씨가의 종약, 종회, 종학당의 설립 배경은 人道를 실천하기 위함이다. 모든 행실의 으뜸인 효도를 근본에 두고 배움에 기반하는 규약을 제정하였다. 인도는 親親, 尊祖, 宗統에 대한 공경과 사랑, 기쁨과 슬픔을 함께 나누는 것으로 배우지 않으면 지속될 수 없음을 말하였다. 이에 종회를 열어 친목하고 화합하였으며, 종학당을 설립하여 학문에 힘쓰고, 시회를 통해 종약의 가르침을 경계하고 권면하였다. 시회는 종약의 취지를 살리기 위한 규약에 따라 종회례의 일부로 개최되었다. 종회시는 노성 파평윤씨 『종회록』(1643~1948)에 수록된 시작품 87제 113수이다. 시회는 크게 追韻詩, 呼韻賦詩, 命韻賦詩, 分韻賦詩 양상으로 수창되었다. 내용으로는 친족과의 화목, 형제간의 우애, 조상에 대한 존중, 선현의 가르침, 조상 묘역의 치수 및 성묘, 종자에 대한 공경과 사랑, 학문 활동 등 종약의 규칙을 반추하고 복기하였다. 노성 파평윤씨가는 종회에서 시를 수창하며 끊임없이 서로를 격려하고 학문을 권면하였으며, 이를 동력으로 수백 년 동안 종학당을 운영하여 인재를 양성하고 배출할 수 있었다.

The purpose of this study is to analyze their academic activities, in particular, how to embody their ideas into the literature by examining the poetic works originated from the ceremonially opened family assembly gatherings of the Noseong Papyeong Yoon's clan family. Based in the area of Noseong, the Nojongobangpa(魯宗五方派), a branch of the Yoon’s family, has actively implemented the academic activities of its own prestigious family in some parts of the southern Chungcheong Province such as Geumsan, Yeonsan, Gongju and Buyeo. And also cultivated the outstanding figures who dominated an era of the 17th century together with some scholars from the Giho school. Among these, Dongto Yoon Soon-geo, Yongseo Yoon Won-geo, Noseo Yoon Seon-geo, and Myeongjae Yoon Jeung were representatively enumerated. They all were renowned for their high fidelity to the principles and academic performance. In addition to turning the academic tradition in the family passed down from generation to generation into reality, they set up the bylaw and the study institute in the family, held the family gatherings every spring and fall and eventually established their academic foundation in the Noseong Yoon's family. The Noseong Papyeong Yoon's family has maintained the status of a prestigious family representing the metropolitan area and Chungcheong Province by steadily producing the numerous talented according to the bylaws and guidance provided at this time. Even today, this tradition continues to promote the family harmony. The reason why the Noseong Papyeong Yoon's family formed such a family gatherings, set the bylaws, and established study institute, was to abide by human dignities and responsibilites essentially. They made such an agreement for their discipline based on the filial piety, which is the foremost of all conduct. Practicing the human dignities and responsibilities in their family means the respect and love for ancestors, parents and descendants, with sharing joy and sorrow, which cannot be sustained without learning. To this end, the family gatherings was held to promote the higher amity and harmony between the family members, the study institute was set up to focus on the academic investigation, and the poetic club was held to pay attention to lesson of the bylaw and to recommend it to all family members and to admonish them. The poetic club was held and run as part of the family gatherings ceremony according to the bylaws. The poetic works from the club are 113 works on 87 topics recorded in the family annals. At this club’s reading ceremony, the poetic verses made and recited in various ways that adjust and change their positionings of the poetic rhythms, such as Chuunsi(追韻詩), Hounbusi(呼韻賦詩), Myeongunbusi(命韻賦詩), and Bununbusi (分韻賦詩). Such poems mainly repeatedly described and reminded the various detailed matters related to the bylaws such as family harmony, brotherly friendship, respect for ancestors, lessons from ancestors, size of ancestral graves and visit their tombs, a sense of honor for the main decendents. The Noseong Papyeong Yoon's family stimulated each other by composing and reciting poetry at a poetry club and encouraged to study. By running the study institute for hundreds of years with the driving forces, many talented have been trained and produced.

1. 서론

2. 宗會詩의 현황 및 개요

3. 宗會·宗約·宗學의 설립 배경

4. 宗會詩의 形象化 양상

5 결론
