최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


On the regulatory path transformation of Valuation Adjustment Mechanism

DOI : 10.22397/wlri.2022.38.3.195


The valuation adjustment mechanism has been widely adopted in judicial practice as an important means of private placement. China's attitude towards the valuation adjustment mechanism contract has turned from the absolute prohibition into conditional acceptance. The promulgation of “the 9th conference minutes” acted as a turning point. From then on, the court begins to adopt the doctrine of separation which takes the validity and the performance of the contract respectively. However, the doctrine just meets with the formal logic and systematism of the judgment of contract validity, and does no help to solve the problem of the valuation adjustment mechanism. Under the restriction and adjustment of the principle of capital maintenance, the trial of prerequisite of the court should return to the indistinction doctrine while hearing the cases regarding valuation adjustment mechanism contracts in order to achieve the unity of form and substance. At the same time, trials should turn to the judgment of the performance possibility of the contract and handle the valuation adjustment mechanism contract properly based on the balance of interests.

1. 引 言

2. 现行规则下对赌协议规制的困境

3. 资本维持原则对于对赌协议的限制

4. 对赌协议规制审查要件的转变

5. 结 论
