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공학교육연구 제25권 제5호.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

AI 교육을 위한 전공별 맞춤형(RAS) 교육과정 개발연구

A Research on the Development of Customized Curriculum (RAS) for Each Major for AI Education

DOI : 10.18108/jeer.2022.25.5.44
  • 127

The purpose of this study is to effectively implement the artificial intelligence education required in the digital transformation era. As we enter the era of the 4th industrial revolution, the demand for a great digital transformation in industry is essential, and the nurturing of manpower is presented as an indispensable relationship in the industrial field based on it. The integration of various new technologies that have emerged from the era of the 4th industrial revolution has the greatest purpose in realizing artificial intelligence technology. As the importance of digital competency in the top curriculum reorganization has been highlighted, artificial intelligence education is necessary even in the curriculum reorganization in 2022, and there is a demand in the educational field that it should be converted into a mandatory education in middle and high schools. Artificial intelligence education according to the demands of the times is to develop an artificial intelligence curriculum in universities by reestablishing systematic artificial intelligence education in universities, setting educational goals, and presenting the goals of artificial intelligence education by major. The main direction of this study is to present the relationship between artificial intelligence and each major in university education, develop a curriculum based on artificial intelligence for each major, and link artificial intelligence software for AI education customized for each major. We would like to present a process that can measure the learning outcomes of AI education.

I. 서론

II. AI 교육의 학문적 연계 및 적용연구

III. 전공별 AI 교육과정(AI-RAS)

IV. 결론 및 향후 발전방안

