Capstone Design, a project-based learning technique, is the most important curriculum that clarifying major knowledge and cultivating the ability to apply through the process of solving problems in the industrial field centered on the student project team. Accordingly, various and extensive studies are being conducted for the successful implementation of capstone design courses. Unlike previous studies, this study aimed to quantitatively analyze the opinions that recorded the experiences and feelings of students who performed capstone design, and used text mining methodologies such as frequency analysis, correlation analysis, topic modeling, and sentiment analysis. As a result of examining the overall opinions of the latter period through frequency analysis and correlation analysis, there was a difference between the languages used by the students in the opinions according to gender and project results. Through topic modeling analysis, ‘topic selection’ and ‘the relationship between team members’ showed an increase in occupancy or high occupancy, and topics such as ‘presentation’, ‘leadership’, and ‘feeling what they felt’ showed a tendency to decreasing occupancy. Lastly, sentiment analysis has found that female students showed more neutral emotions than male students, and the passed group showed more negative emotions than the non-passed group and less neutral emotions. Based on these findings, students’ practical recognition of the curriculum was considered and implications for the improvement of capstone design were presented.
I. 서론
II. 기존 연구
III. 분석 방법
IV. 분석 결과
V. 결론