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농촌지도와 개발 29권 3호.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

농촌 생활SOC 사업의 입지 적합성 평가

Location Suitability Assessment of the Living SOC Project in Rural Areas: Focusing on the Sports Center

DOI : 10.12653/jecd.2022.29.3.0173

This study aims to evaluate the location suitability of the Living SOC Project in rural areas. For the assessment of location suitability, we applied location efficiency and location equity, respectively. One hundred sixteen national sports centers in 57 rural areas are selected as the target of analysis. The location efficiency and location equity in each sports center revealed a large gap between facilities. The location suitability evaluation results examined in 57 rural areas were similar to those analyzed at individual facilities. The correlation between the location suitability results and rural characteristics was weak. Also, location efficiency and location equity have a fragile relationship. In the light of these results, the location of the sports center, whose supply has been confirmed in rural areas through the Living SOC project, does not consider regional characteristics actively. In addition, it is difficult to say that the location efficiency and location equity of sports centers have been proactively estimated. Therefore, breaking away from the performance-oriented policy and switching to a lifestyle SOC supply policy based on the pre- and ex-post location evaluation system is necessary.

1. 서론

2. 선행연구

3. 연구방법

4. 분석 결과

5. 결론

