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Үйлдвэрлэлийн осол, хурц хордлогыг бууруулахад манлайллын үүрэг

To Reduce Industrial Accidents and Acute Poisoning Leadership Role

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Improving occupational safety and health is directly related to social awareness, responsibility and legal regulation as well as economic consequences. Economic losses caused by industrial accidents, acute poisonings, and occupational diseases are important incentives for organizations to improve occupational safety and health. The ILO Charter declares the principle that “employees shall be protected from diseases, infectious diseases and accidents arising in connection with their employment”. However, in reality, it is at an insufficient level. In Mongolia, 3802 people were affected by industrial accidents and acute poisoning and 1055 people died in the last 10 years. “Industrial accident” means loss of life or health damage caused by industrial or similar factors during the performance of work duties. “Acute poisoning” is when an employee is exposed to harmful chemicals, radiation, or biologically active substances in a short period of time while performing his or her work duties, causing health damage or death. It can be seen from this that industrial accidents and acute poisoning are inextricably linked with the actions, attention, psychology and attitude towards work of both employers and employees. One employee or citizen affected by an industrial accident or acute poisoning is considered one case of an industrial accident or acute poisoning, while a group accident or acute poisoning refers to two or more employees or citizens affected by one industrial accident or acute poisoning. Then, leadership is the ability to influence others to achieve goals, and it is the art of instilling desire and passion in everyone to realize the goals set before the organization and community. In this sense, leadership is seen as a strategic influence on human development and organizational goals. Therefore, in any case, the more people who are good leaders and devote their heart to their work, the more cases can be reduced. Considering the causes of industrial accidents and acute poisoning in 2019, falls and slips accounted for 33.3 percent, entrapment in objects 14.6 percent, being struck by objects 9.2 percent, and being struck by stationary and mobile equipment accounted for 7.4 percent, while the remaining causes (strong movement, burns, freezing, drowning, etc.) is a small percentage. In terms of length of service, the majority of employees affected by industrial accidents, 51.5 percent, worked for up to 2 years, 20.2 percent worked for 3-9 years, 12.5 percent worked for 10-14 years, and 15.8 percent worked for 15 years or more. From this, it can be seen that there is a high probability of industrial accidents for new employees who have just been hired. In particular, priority should be given to controlling and reducing the problems of workers exposed to industrial accidents and acute poisoning, and further to take into account, to make organizations and employees understand, disseminate and regularize training and advertising about the safe working practices of foreign countries, labor safety and hygiene culture. There is an important need for occupational safety and health workers to take the lead in preventing and protecting all workers from accidents. Research shows that in recent years, the number of workers who are exposed to industrial accidents and acute poisoning in the course of fulfilling their work duties is constantly increasing, and the consequences and damages of this continue to have a negative impact that cannot be measured in numbers. Organizations continue to take various measures depending on the nature of their operations. For example: “Thermal Power Plant-III” SPC has a work-centered management approach that does not differentiate between departments. Although creating performance standards to motivate employees to work for the organization affects employee performance, standards were implemented considering the need to further improve productivity and satisfaction.

Ⅰ. Оршил

Ⅱ. Үйлдвэрлэлийн осол, хурц хордлого

Ⅲ. Манлайлал, түүний үүрэг

Ⅳ. Дүгнэлт
