Mongolia is a country where Buddhism has been spreading for almost a thousand years, but the dictionary of Buddhist vocabulary in modern Mongolian is incomplete and not yet available to the public. Also, a significant percentage of Buddhist vocabulary is thousands of years old, is rarely understood by modern people, and has not been established in the public domain. This has prevented modern people from being interested in Buddhism and thus preventing them from recognizing the scientific nature of Buddhism.Therefore, we would like to bring to the attention of Mongolian scholars and Mongolian linguists the issue of translating Buddhist words that are no longer understood into understandable, modern terms, and, conversely, restoring words that have lost their meaning in modern Mongolian from Buddhist words. The goal is set in this article, when modern, ordinary people understand the Buddhist language and see the scientific nature of Buddhism, the individual can enter the path of enlightenment and find inner peace, thereby influencing social consciousness.
Ⅰ. Буддын шашны үг хэллэгийг шинэчлэх хэрэгцээ шаардлага
Ⅱ. Буддын шашны зарим үг хэллэгийг орчин цагийн үг хэллэгээр шинэчлэх шаардлага
Ⅲ. Буддын шашны зарим үг хэллэгийн утгыг орчин цагийн монгол хэлэнд сэргээж хэрэглэх нь
Ⅳ. Дүгнэлт