As Internet facilitates communication no matter the distances, providing clear transmission of all type of information needed in the learning process, including testing and evaluation systems, e-learning becomes a more suitable environment for many students especially in periods of pandemic of COVID-19. The efficiency of starting such a program based on e-tools is under the influence of factors such as: students’ attitudes, the utility they perceive in using these tools, the attitude towards adoption of technology and, of course, the technological background they have. Although, there are many advantages, students have different opinions and attitudes towards this modern process of learning. This study was designed to examine students’ attitudes towards e-learning and to develop the future initiatives of educational institutions that plan to adopt an e-learning system.
Ⅰ. Судлагдсан байдал
Ⅱ. Арга зүй, судалгааны загвар
Ⅲ. Дүгнэлт