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KCI등재후보 학술저널

유아를 위한 감상활동 기반 로봇 활용 동작교육 프로그램 모형개발

Development of R-learning Movement Education Program Model Based on Appreciation Activity for Young Children

  • 161

This study was conducted to develop a Movement Education Program for Robot Learning in the kindergarten based on appreciation activities and the study were conducted through the literature research, and the evaluation research of the experts. The results of this study were as follows; (1) The strength of the existing R-Learning program are creating edutainment functions, maintaining the learning motive of the students, developing problem solving skills and logical thinking ability of the students, making students to learn challenges, patience, and efforts, creating interactions between the device(robot) and the students, and supporting teachers’ choirs. (2) The weakness of the existing R-Learning program are (a) The passions of the teachers can make the differences of the quality of the education with the R-Learning Robot. (b) Students cannot make real interactions with the robot but immerse into the visible contents that the robot provides through its monitor on its chest. (c) The robot can just be a device that the teacher should control and use to provide the robot-class. (d) Usually, the robot just provides information to the students and the interactions between the robot and the students are not the main part of the activities. (3) The Movement Education Program Model for robot based on the appreciation activities are made with 12 classes and with three sense of the art(pictures, music, and the picturebooks). This program could cover some weakness of the existing R-Learning Robots and the educational program of it in some points, but still we need a new type of the R-Learning Robots which can create the real interactions (not with the visible contents that robot provides) and which can create various movements with more joints. Also, we need the brand new authoring tools for teachers who want to create their own R-learning contents for themselves with ease.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 연구 방법

Ⅲ. 연구 결과

Ⅳ. 논의 및 결론

