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욥기의 탄식시에 나타난 이스라엘 지혜 그룹의 특징

The characteristics of the Israelite Wisdom Group shown in the Lament in the Book of Job

The following study focuses on the lament of Job. Verses of laments can usually be found in the book of Psalms. However, Job's laments have different theological and literary characteristics from typical laments. This study aims to examine the cause of these differences. For this purpose, the laments found in Psalms and Job have been compared in order to point out the differences that can be seen in the Wisdom literature of Job. This paper also aims to make clear the activities of ancient Israeli wise men during the process of preserving and transforming this tradition. This study views the wisdom group, which customarily existed in Israel, as being the agent which allowed for the survival of the nation of Israel by transforming the literary motifs that can be found in the laments of Job and Psalms. It is difficult to reach an agreement on whether there were traditional wisdom groups in Israel. However, most scholars agree that there was private wisdom in Israeli clans and families and that the beginning of the monarchy was the time when wisdom became more organized. It can also be said that wisdom groups acted to change the literary motifs found in laments in order to help the nation survive during times of crisis. The wisdom group placed an emphasis on God the Creator and concentrated on God’s power over the history of the world in order to show that the present disaster was in the hands of God. It also placed a value on the new understanding of God that came from personal experience and not only from tradition. The literary activities of the group can be said to have affected the Old Testament canon which then affected the nation of Israel and help it to become a firmly established community of faith. Within the Israel wisdom group there was a balanced sense of tradition transformation and preservation. Therefore, the group did not only strive to overcome the pains of reality by erasing the past and pursuing new things but strived to help the nation of Israel form a deeper understanding of their living God and use present experiences and the past traditions to develop a new relationship with Him.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 시편의 탄식시

Ⅲ. 욥기의 탄식시

Ⅳ. 이스라엘의 지혜 그룹의 특징

Ⅴ.히브리 전승의 보존과 개혁

Ⅵ. 나가는 말

