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여성 징병제가 인간의 심성에 미치는 영향

Effect to Human Mind from Female Conscription System

  • 33

The reason why the saint appear in the world is for enlighten Human mind. The reason why human beings are painful is because of their mind possess virtue and vice inside so hurt others for own advantage. The more human mind goes bad, the more sin and criminal appeared so that make human being’s are painful. Therefore, several of saints such as Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, Confucius and Lao-tzu are appeared in the world to brighten human in mankind history. Also Buddhistic saints appeared to guide human being’s mind. That’s why the basis we need to accomplish human being’s happy is purify and maintain human mind. In Buddhistic point of view, universe is consisting of lots of minds. We call it’s mankind’s joint Karma caused from our wickedness like various factor threat the Earth as Global warning. Endocrine disruptor, strange climate in these days. So it’s the time we, the mankind need spiritual awakening and effort indeed to preserve the Earth and mankind’s Happiness and Peace. By the way, there is a controversy on female conscription system recently. Female conscription system is very serious factor affect woman’s mind would become maternal creature to preserve mankind. Basically, duty of national defense is training for battle and how to defend and protect when be at war. Female conscription system must injure warm mercy of woman to be mother near future and their child so consequently, it must be self-evident that how dark and painful the future world by those children would be. “Mankind must learn how to love let the society be formed to itself. Especially children learn love by mother’s affection.” By French writer André MAUROIS. Every kinds of human relationship is connected by love(mercy). Love between parents and child, brothers, friends or respect old people and share with neighborhoods are come from mercy. So, people might be getting hardhearted of damaged mercy and the society would become cold-headed. And it’s obvious the less mutual love among mankind the more society will suffer from social chaos and problems. We must prevent female conscription system that retrogression against into the saint educate human being’s mind for the mankind’s happiness and peace.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 성인의 역할과 교화 목적

Ⅲ. 남녀평등과 국방 의무의 목적

Ⅳ. 출산과 성性의 역할

Ⅴ. 결론
