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전남대학교 종교문화연구소.jpg

정치와 불교, 그 표피성과 근원성의 조화

Politics and Buddhism, The Harmony of its Origin and Epidermis

I think that there are some misunderstanding added to Buddhism, and those are very difficult to explain. This study is a clarification of the misunderstanding attached to Buddhism, what is called there is no political ethics in Buddhism. Complicated web depended origination are formed in the foundation of the relationship between religion and politics. It affects each other and inseparable. A main task of politics is to maintain the community and the problems of secular life, and A main task of religion is the mental area. But the problem is the fact that this distinction is very simple judging depended by appearances. The people could not have confidence in the direction and how to maintain community without steadfast bases supported by the spiritual area, and the realization of spiritual values will be made in the field of life. Moreover, Buddhist society is composed of two communities, what we call, Sangha and the lay Buddhist community. It is impossible to sever the relationship between two communities. Sangha is a society that prohibits their members productive activities in the economic sense. The necessity of Sangha is provided from lay Buddhist communities by non-economic logic. Sangha and the lay community is a relationship to receive mutual influence sharing a common spiritual goal, For these reasons, Sangha also is in networks that can not be completely free from the political environment. There are decisive factors to explain the buddhists political thought and idea, those are the proposed human view(selfless), and the value of human derived from it(The potential to become a Buddha) and the moral foundation for the realization of that value(precepts) in Buddhism. However, there are different between the Sangha and the lay man on the practical methods to transform religious values into Political values. It is strictly limited that the Sangha participate directly in the political process to get power. It is true at the level of the community or individuals. Sangha is allowed only in the political role that is teacher to educate the ruler. These roles is a part of unique area to be handled by Buddhism, at the same time it can be said of the joint area sharing Buddhism and politics. But It is fairly obvious that the lay man participate in real politics to get the power. It is rather obvious duties as a member of the whole society and at the same time it is lay man's right different case of Sangha.

Ⅰ. 문제의 제기

Ⅱ. 새로운 인식의 틀

Ⅲ. 세간의 출현과 중대사

Ⅳ. 마치면서
