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평등의 의미와 우리 사회에서의 분배의 문제

The Concept of Equality and the Capitalist Society Distribution

  • 15

The concept of the equality is which distribution lies. Typically, Everyone accepts human is equality. But the proposition is arguing. Really the principle is still under discussion about what that means. The notion of equality for the distribution of wealth is carrying a certain influence is still there is no consensus about. This proposition is the foundation for what lies over the course of checking the racial and gender discrimination on the basis of the legitimacy of the approaching presence and distribution in our society tries to find the most suitable criteria. Today, In Capitalist society distribution is very important problem. The distribution system is relative to whether the distribution should be followed by many comments. In that sense, the concept of equality in various aspects of the relationship and distribution on the basis of what capitalism look and its distribution in the most appropriate way to identify what you want. The equality of all human beings are equal is not a realistic concept but 'what should-be' concept. In fact, the genetic causes or environmental causes on that truth is not easy to maintain. Genetic differences, because nobody is undeniable, and environmental equality is impossible because in real life situations. Even so, it does not means that human beings are not equal. All people are different, but do not unequal. We are equal in institution and in society. Communist equality that all people working according to your needs according to his ability to work are urged to make a society. Because a lack of goods we already failed. It show that limitations of the communist social equality. But its significance should not be disposed of. Furthermore, the utilitarian social welfare for the majority has the problem that sacrifice of a few. In order to overcome these problems, Rawls assumed the contract status of human original position. The principle of justice should be satisfied that total income of the least advantaged is such as to maximize their long run expectations. In this sense, when we consider the distribution, not some direction how to get out towards the particular theory or scheme taking an exclusive attitude, but a the case of a claim should be depend on the case. Therefore each claiming should be applied considering to their meaning and intentions with respect to a implication in our society.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. 평등원칙의 의미와 근거

Ⅲ. 유전적 차이와 평등

Ⅳ. 부의 분배와 정당화 가능한 불평등의 기준

Ⅴ. 맺는 말
