A Comparative Study of Korean and U.S. Firms amid COVID-19 Supply Chain Disruptions: The Role of Relational Capital for Improving Ambidextrous Innovation and Firm Performance
A Comparative Study of Korean and U.S. Firms amid COVID-19 Supply Chain Disruptions: The Role of Relational Capital for Improving Ambidextrous Innovation and Firm Performance
- The International Academy of Global Business and Trade
- Journal of Global Business and Trade
- Vol. 18, No. 5
- 2022.10
- 77 - 99 (23 pages)
Purpose - Supply chain disruptions have plagued firms since the advent of COVID-19 lockdowns. As a result, supply chains remain unstable and dynamic. To better understand supply chain management during periods of disruption, this study compares the impact of relational capital on ambidextrous innovation and firm performance between Korean and U.S firms. Design/Methodology/Approach - This study includes a sample of 200 Korean firms and 227 U.S firms. PLS-SEM is the statistical tool utilized with MICOM multigroup analysis. Findings - Korean and U.S. firms were found to be different on three different pathways indicating that open innovation and investment in supplier relations improve supply chain disruption orientation, exploration innovation, and firm performance Research Implications - Relationship capital can significantly improve supply chain management, innovation, and firm performance. Exploitation innovation is better for enhancing supply chain management in the short-term amid interruptions.
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Literature Review
Ⅲ. Methodology
Ⅳ. Analysis
Ⅴ. Discussion
Ⅵ. Conclusion