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아태비즈니스연구 제13권 제3호.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

Effects of Perceived Control upon Role Performances among Healthcare Service Customers

Effects of Perceived Control upon Role Performances among Healthcare Service Customers

DOI : 10.32599/apjb.13.3.202209.19
  • 23

Purpose - The purpose of this study is to examine whether a psychological concept enhances healthcare users’ service experience. Specifically, the study proposes and empirically examines a model of perceived control in which the user’s sense of control is postulated as exerting positive influences upon his/her motivation, self-efficacy associated with his/her role as a patient, and satisfaction with his/her medical service experience. Methodology - Data were collected by a professional research company, using an online survey method. Participants of the study included adults nineteen years or older who had visited a medical service institute at least once during the previous one-year period. For the test of the research hypotheses, structural equation modeling using AMOS was used. Findings - Findings of this study denote a unique insight into the users’ comprehension of medical service experiences and their behaviors. First, the concept of perceived control is identified as a factor that enhances the quality of individuals’ medical service experiences. A sense of control directly influences medical users’ self-efficacy to comply with doctor’s recommendations, their motivation to comply with doctor’s recommendations, and their satisfaction with the medical service experience. Second, one’s perceived self-efficacy is found to exert positive influences upon both motivation and satisfaction. Third, one’s motivation to comply with the doctor’s recommendation is found to exert a positive influence upon one’s satisfaction. Additionally, perceived control is found to exert an indirect influence upon medical service users’ satisfaction through the mediation of both self-efficacy and motivation. Research Implications - The findings of the study support the notion that perception of control among medial service users enhances their service experience as patients. The main thrust of this study suggests that it is necessary for healthcare practitioners to consider implementing service encounter strategies that purposefully enhance the sense of control among their patients. The identification of significant inter-relationships among perceived control, motivation, self-efficacy, and satisfaction among medical service customers should also serve as a meaningful seed for further research pursuits.

Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Research Background and Hypotheses

Ⅲ. Methodology

Ⅵ. Conclusions

