When ’Ju(巨)’ works as a degree adverbs, the decategorization of the X appeared in the the structure of ’Ju(巨)X’ and the decategorization happends in 'Ju(巨)+AP', 'Ju(巨)+VP' and 'Ju(巨)+N'. According to statistics, we can find that there are 6 kinds of X which includes 'Hao(好)V', 'Nan(难)V', 'You(有)N', 'Mei(没)N', 'Neng(能)V'and the N in the 'Ju(巨)+N'. Therefore, based on the analysis on linguistic data of corpus, we found out the grammatical features of the X, including the syntactic functions of the X and semanic features of the X. The features of X's syntactic function includes possessing the basic functions and propety of a propety adjective, the degree of the decategorization is unbalanced inside the X and there were some continuum phenomenon appeared in the decategorization. And we also found out three features of the semantic of X. First, except the the N of the 'Ju(巨)+N2', most of the X have the sematic shift and the main way of the sematic shift is the content shift. Second, except the N of 'Ju(巨)+N1'and 'Ju(巨)+N2', X possesses the degree of meaning and subjectivity without the degree adverbs. Lastly, the subjectivity of the X comes from the speaker's evaluation while the subjectivity of the X of 'Ju(巨)+N1 comes from the speaker's judgment of the propety of the N.
1. 引言
2. “巨X”中非范畴化X的句法功能
3. “巨X”中非范畴化X的语义特征
4. 结语