최근 검색어 전체 삭제
中國學 第80輯.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

‘능원동사’의 의미정보와 품사성의 재조명

Re-illumination of Semantic Information and Part-of-speech Characteristics of ‘Auxiliary Verb’

DOI : 10.14378/KACS.2022.80.80.10
  • 5

본문은 일상적인 대화에서 화자가 청자에게 전달하는 구문 내용은 크게 ‘사건정보’와 ‘화자정보’로 나누어지며, 청자가 두 가지 정보를 모두 이해하면서 완전한 의사소통이 이루어진다고 보았다. 또 ‘능원동사(조동사)’가 표현하는 의미에는 ‘화자정보’의 요소가 더 많이 함유되어 있기에, ‘사건정보’를 중심으로 한 어법기능이나 품사분류에서 모호한 성분으로 남을 수밖에 없다고 판단하였다. 지금까지 연구에서는 ‘사건정보’를 기반으로 한 어법관계를 통해서 능원동사의 어법기능을 파악하고자 하였고, 또 양태의미를 통한 의미영역의 분석에서도 개별 능원동사의 ‘다의성(多义性)’만을 제시했을 뿐이다. 그래서 본문은 ‘사건정보’보다는 ‘화자정보’의 측면에서 능원동사의 의미정보가 서로 다른 언어환경에서 어떻게 변화하는지를 고찰하고자 하였다.

The text is divided into ‘event information’ and ‘speaker information’ in the syntactic content delivered by the speaker to the listener in a daily conversation. Also, since the meaning expressed by ‘neungwon verb (auxiliary verb)’ contains more elements of ‘speaker information’, it was judged that it cannot but remain as an ambiguous component in the grammatical function or part-of-speech classification centered on ‘event information’. In the previous studies, we tried to understand the grammatical function of neungwon verbs through the grammatical relationship and semantic relationship based on ‘event information’, and in the analysis of the semantic domain through the modal meaning, only the multiplicity of individual neungwon verbs was expressed. Therefore, this article tried to observe changes in the meaning and function of neungwon verbs in terms of ‘speaker information’ rather than ‘event information’. Part-of-speech is originally classified according to its grammatical function, but unlike part-of-speech substance, an auxiliary verb is a component whose function is not determined. The semantic terms of auxiliary verbs also include various semantic categories such as ‘possibility, ability, permission, will, evaluation, probability, etc’. For example, ‘能’, which can be summarized as ‘possibility’, includes ‘ability’ and ‘possibility’, ‘可以’ includes ‘permission’ and ‘evaluation’, and ‘会’ also includes ‘possibility’ and ‘probability’. All meanings are closely related to the semantic direction of the synergistic verb. Also, ‘要’ representing ‘expectation’ is analyzed as ‘will, will’ and ‘probability’. In particular, it seems necessary to determine how to derive terms with various meanings such as ‘possibility, ability, permission, will, evaluation, probability, guess’ that exist in the semantic domain of ‘possibility’ and ‘expectation’ of auxiliary verbs.

1. 서언

2. 구문의 의미정보와 품사성

3. 능원동사의 의미지향과 의미정보

4. 결어
