최근 검색어 전체 삭제
中國學 第80輯.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

명청 시기 사대부의 여가생활 고찰

The Study of the Literary intelligentsia’ Leisure Culture in the Ming Qing Dynasty

DOI : 10.14378/KACS.2022.80.80.23
  • 37

명청 시기는 급속한 경제발전으로 인해 물질적인 풍요를 누리게 되면서 지식인들에게 여가란 단순한 노동 이외의 쉼만을 의미하는 것이 아니라, 삶의 여유와 인격 수양과 더불어 정신적 치유를 위한 방편이 되었다. 당시 사대부들은 심령의 자유와 개성의 해방을 추구하고 전통사상의 속박에서 벗어나 산수를 유람하며 일상에서 술과 차, 놀이문화를 즐기고 독서와 문학 창작, 예술품 감상을 통한 고상한 삶을 추구하였다. 그들은 풍부한 지식과 품격을 토대로 철학, 문학, 예술, 양생, 심미관, 인격 수양과 연결시켜서 다양한 여가문화를 형성하였다.

Leisure means that time spent on entertainment and rest. For modern people, leisure has already become an indispensable part of everyday life. People gain mental rest and stability through rest, and they spend their leisure time according to their personal preferences and circumstances. If labor is essential to human survival, leisure is necessary to improve the quality of life and to grow man. People's leisure activities are manifested through a variety of ways, including personal or collective actions, thoughts, and cultural activities. Therefore, the phenomenon of the times of leisure culture can be an important agenda for understanding the society of the time. Especially during the Ming Qing period, with the rapid economic development of the country, with material abundance, for intellectuals, leisure did not mean only rest other than simple labor, but also a means of mental healing, as well as the leisure of life and the cultivation of personality. Based on their wealth of knowledge, dignity, and living conditions, they connected them with their philosophy, literature, art, cultivation, aesthetics, and personality cultivation to form a unique leisure culture. This article examines the historical background of the development of leisure culture during the Ming Qing period and examines the space of leisure activities and leisure activities of intellectuals who appeared through the works of the literary people of the time.

1. 서론

2. 명청 시기 시대적 배경

3. 사대부의 여가 공간과 여가생활

4. 결론
