최근 검색어 전체 삭제
中國學 第80輯.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널


The Historical Change and Contemporary Enlightenment of China’s Land System since Modern Times (1851-1949)

DOI : 10.14378/KACS.2022.80.80.24
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Chinese land system has gone through several changes since modern times. Although some transformations are only tentative explorations, they have strong practical significance. During the period from 1851 to 1949, it included the National Land System, Sun Yat-sen’s idea of “equal land rights”, Jinggangshan Land Law and Xingguo Land Law during the Agrarian Revolution, as well as Outline of Chinese Land Law during the Liberation War. The changes of the land system has a distinct characteristics, productivity and production relations decide the change of land system in modern China, and the shackles of feudal ideas hindering such changes, moreover spontaneity and compulsory unification has carried out on the basis of the change of land system, while the cause of revolution in modern China emerging from such transformations.Review since modern times of China tell us the history of the land system change, we will improve the system of land laws and regulations, adhere to protect farmers’ interests, strengthen the position of public ownership is not moved, build a new era of agricultural management system can guarantee the healthy and orderly development of China’s land system, thus to promote the rural revitalization of the foundation and guarantee.

1. 绪论

2. 近代以来中国土地制度的历史变迁(1851-1949)

3. 近代以来中国土地制度的历史变迁的特点

4. 近代中国土地制度变迁对乡村振兴中土地制度的启示

5. 结论
