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KCI등재 학술저널

청주분지 내 원삼국~통일 신라시대 지역거점 형성과 변천 과정 연구

A Study on the Formation and Transition Process of Regional Hub from Proto: Three Kingdom to Unified Shilla Period in Cheongju Basin

DOI : 10.20292/jcich.2022.39.87
  • 129

청주분지는 고대부터 미호천 일대의 주요 지역거점들이 존재하였던 곳이며, 현재는 충청도 지역을 총괄하는 도심이 위치한 핵심지역이다. 청주분지 내 생활유적들에서는 타지역과 다른 특징들이 확인된다. 원삼국시대에서 통일신라시대에 이르는 기간 동안 청주분지 내에는 두 지역거점이 조성된다. 이 두 지역거점은 입지와 형성원리에서 차이가 있다. 원삼국시대에~삼국시대에 해당하는 지역거점은 취락에서 시작되어 점차 인구가 증가하면서 일정한 규모에 다다르는 자연 성장도시(Organic City)로 구조나 형태에 있어서 정형성을 보이지 않는 것이 특징이다. 이후 통일신라시대에는 특정세력의 주도로 비교적 짧은 시간에 건설되는 계획도시(Planned City)인 서원소경이 설치된다. 이전 시기와 달리 인위적으로 조성된 새로운 지역거점에는 일정한 구조적 정형성이 나타나는데 이를 통해 새로운 지역거점의 구조를 추정해 볼 수 있다. 또한, 상기 두 지역거점은 동시기에 공존하며 운영되지 않는다. 이러한 현상은 지역거점 이동이라 보는 것이 타당하다. 새로운 지역거점 형성에 사용된 ‘坊里制’가 일정하게 지역을 구획하는 기능도 있지만, 거주민들을 통제할 수 있다는 기능도 있음을 唐 장안성의 사례를 유추해 볼 수 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 청주분지 내 지역거점 이동의 원인과 의미 파악하고자 한다.

In archeology, which studies past lifestyles, the study of the remains of life has received attention early. However, in the archaeological studies in Korea, studies on cities were relatively insufficient. It was confined to a specific time period and a specific topic. Also data were more insufficient for local cities. Examining the distribution status and political background of each period, it can be seen that Cheongju area is very valuable as a city research data. The main life area of the Cheongju have been found in the Cheongju Basin since ancient times. In this study, the remains of living that were identified in the basin were researched. In the Cheongju Basin, there are both ancient natural growth cities and medieval planned cities. Cheongju was an ancient city which, through its geographical advantage, developed into a growth city through the absorption process of Baekje from Mahan's large settlement. At one time, however, the city declined in the adverse environment of the borders of centralized countries. However, Silla established 'Seowon-Sokyung' around the new center right after reunification. As the planned city of 'Sokyung' entered, Cheongju became the center city of Chungcheong-do. On the other hand, the background of the installation of 'Sokyung' was the control and monitoring of the Baekje-based Local people for political purposes and it can be estimated from the medieval urban structure with the 'Bangri system'. In the early Cheongju region of Goryeo, The thaneship which opposed to the central forces become a center. This political background suggests that the goals for the overpowered and conquered people have become receded, and this means that the object of check has been turned into thaneship. Nevertheless, the Cheongju area Gyesugwan of the 23rd year of the Goryeo Taejo. This compares with the situation at the time of the installation of 'Sokyung' right after Silla's unification. The background seems to have been the reasons for the change of the ruling dynasty (the fact that Cheongju was not a newly expanded territory) and appeasement for Cheongju in early Goryeo. In this period, it is confirmed that the compartments such as fence facilities and road yards are expanded and compared with the case of Northern Song dynasty, it was possible to imagine the change in the structure of the street which lost the control function of Bang-ri system like the phenomenon in Northern Song capital Since then, the medieval city of Cheongju has developed into the present city through the Joseon Dynasty.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 대상유적 검토

Ⅲ. 지역거점 구조의 특징 및 변화

Ⅳ. 지역거점 형성의 배경과 성격

Ⅴ. 맺음말
