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KCI등재 학술저널

예멘 내전의 갈등구조 변화 연구

The Changes in Conflict Structure in the Yemen Civil War

DOI : 10.23015/kames.2022.43.2.003
  • 119

The prolonged civil war in Yemen is causing the most serious humanitarian crisis. However, changes in the structure of the conflict are also being observed. This paper examined the causes of conflict and cooperation revealed in Yemen's civil war by applying the change in 'interests' pursued by major actors to Udalov's theory of interest balance. Yemen's civil war stems from a clash of interests between the Yemeni government and the Houthi rebels, Saudi Arabia, and the Southern Separatist Forces over political power. However, the complex conflict structure by the intervention of various actors was changed by adjusting the interests pursued by each actor. Although the interests sought by the actors can shift depending on the environment and conditions, it cannot be said that some of the cooperation observed in the Yemeni civil war leads to a permanent end. Nevertheless, changes in the relationship between actors pursuing interests ultimately affect changes in the conflict structure. This is why it is necessary to focus more on actors' interests to predict the direction of civil wars.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 이론적 논의

Ⅲ. 예멘 내전의 주요 갈등 관계

Ⅳ. 예멘 내전의 갈등구조 변화

V. 결론

