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KCI등재 학술저널

민주화 혁명 이후 튀니지 세속주의의 변화

Changes in Tunisian secularism after the Arab Spring: Focusing on the role of civil society in the process of drafting the constitution in 2014 and amending the law on women in 2017

DOI : 10.23015/kames.2022.43.2.006

Tunisia, like other Islamic countries, is characterized by strong religious influences on its social system. At the same time, however, elitist political forces in the country have been leading social reforms. The coexistence of these two characteristics has led to constant social debate and conflict between the religious ideals of Islam and the secularist values of the women's reform movement in Tunisia. In Tunisia, the Arab Spring was a consequential time of crisis that would dictate the tide of women's reform. Depending on the religious orientation of the new regime and its policy direction, women's reform, and by extension, societal reform, could have gone in any direction. This paper will examine the changes in the flow of secularism in the country, focusing on the role of civil society in the constitutional process of the Constituent Assembly of Tunisia in 2014 and the subsequent revision of the law in relation to women.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. 튀니지 세속주의의 특징

Ⅲ. 튀니지식 세속주의의 변곡점: 2012-2014 시기 시민사회의 역할

Ⅳ. 진화하는 튀니지 세속주의: 헌법과 여성 관련 법

V. 나가는 말

