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KCI등재 학술저널

케이슨식 잠제의 배후수위 및 파랑제어

Wave and Mean Water Level Control by Caisson-Type Submerged Breakwater

DOI : 10.20481/kscdp.2022.9.4.221
  • 7

In this study, hydraulic experiments were performed for three types of cross sections depending on the presence or absence of pipeline of CTSB(Caisson-Type Submerged Breakwater), in which slit-upper-level drainage and lower-level drainage are installed to reduction the water level behind the submerged breakwaters. Additionally, based on the measured hydraulic characteristics, we compared the changes in the wave reflection, transmission and dissipation coefficient around the submerged breakwaters three cases with or without drainage with a solid caisson that has no slit-upper-level and lower-level drainage. Therefore, wave control around the submerged breakwaters is better using the Caisson-Type solid than with the slit-upper-level drainage and lower-level drainage. Moreover, reduction of water level behind the submerged breakwaters is better using the slit-upper-level drainage and lower-level drainage than Caisson-Type solid. its effect is excellent when with TTP are used.

1. 서 론

2. 수리모형실험

3. 수리성능

4. 결 론

감사의 글

