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KCI등재 학술저널

한국어와 러시아어의 감사 화행 대조 연구

The Contrastive Study of the Speech Act of Thanking in Korean and Russian

DOI : 10.30530/JSL.2022.27.2.55

The speech act of thanking keeps the principles of politeness and holds positive human relations between each other. Also it plays the important role in daily conversation. The main purpose of this article involves the certain aspects of the speech act of thanking in Korean and Russian. The contrastive study of the two languages is based on lexical semantic relation, the structure of speech acts and the pragmatics analysis. As has been shown, especially the difference between the expressions of gratitude in Russian ‘spasivo’ and ‘blagodarit’ are worthy of attention. The results of this study can be utilized as Korean and Russian semantic, pragmatic and sociolinguistic research materials, besides, it can also be used as an educational resource for Korean and Russian pragmatics.

1. 서론

2. 감사 표현의 언어적 특성과 이론적 배경

3. 한국어 감사 표현의 언어적 특성

4. 러시아어 감사 표현의 언어적 특성

5. 결론

