최근 검색어 전체 삭제
약학회지 제66권 제5호(2022년).jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

일개 학교의 약학대학과 간호대학 학생 대상 전문직간 교육 준비도 평가

Evaluation of Readiness for Interprofessional Learning of students from the College of Pharmacy and the College of Nursing at a University

DOI : 10.17480/psk.2022.66.5.269
  • 126

This study was examined to evaluate readiness for interprofessional learning of students from the College of Pharmacy and the College of Nursing at a university. A cross-sectional structured survey was used to compare the readiness for interprofessional learning between different departments and by the experience of interprofessional education. As a survey questionnaire, the Korean version of readiness for interprofessional learning Scale (RIPLS) included 19 items. The subjects consisted of 76 students (20 nursing students with IPE experience, 33 pharmacy students with IPE experience, and 26 pharmacy students without IPE experience) enrolled in 2021. The response rate was 41.6%. The scores of readiness for interprofessional learning in nursing students were significantly higher than pharmacy students (p<0.05). The scores of readiness for interprofessional learning in pharmacy students without IPE experience were significantly higher than pharmacy students with IPE experience (p<0.05). Five sub-items in the teamwork and collaboration categories of RIPLS had a high score of over 4 points. An effective IPE program suitable for the educational field in Korea needs to be developed through additional research on IPE class content, essential skills, and learning methods in pharmaceutical education.

서 론(Introduction)

방 법(Methods)

결 과(Results)

고 찰(Discussion)

결 론(Conclusion)

감사의 말씀(Acknowledgment)

Conflict of Interest

