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한국이슬람학회논총 제32권 3호.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

Tracking the Sufi presence in Jerusalem

Tracking the Sufi presence in Jerusalem

Tracing Sufism in the Islamic world, Jerusalem was one of the Sufis’ centers attracting many of them to settle in this holy city known for its significant spirituality for Muslims. This study traces the Sufi presence in Jerusalem from the past until the present to give an overview of the history of Sufism in this holy city. Through examining the remaining Sufi lodges in Jerusalem today, the study introduces the main Sufi orders and the development of their role and activities in the Jerusalemite society throughout history. The study showed that the golden era of the Sufi role ended with the end of Ottoman rule. Then, there was a decline in this role which faced many challenges including the economic difficulties worsened under the Israeli occupation. Being a part of the Palestinian society, the Sufis of Jerusalem had their contributions to the Arab-Israeli conflict struggling for defending their lands and properties till today. Introducing the development of the Sufi orders in Jerusalem, the study showed that despite the decline of the Sufi activities in the modern era, the Sufi presence continued, which was seen in their remaining buildings including zawiyas, ribats, and shrines covered by this study. Though many of them lost their Sufi function, there are still some Sufi families continuing to maintain Sufi traditions at present in Jerusalem.

I. Introduction

II. Emergence of Sufism in Jerusalem

III. Development of the Sufi presence

IV Jerusalem till the present

IV. Challenges facing the Jerusalemite Sufis

V. Conclusion
