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해상상태별 낚시어선 안전조업 합리화 방안

The method to rationalize for safety operation of fishing vessels with consideration of sea state

DOI : 10.58316/kamts.2022.1.1.33
  • 43

낚시어선 이용객은 2019년 약 4백8십만명에 이르고 있으며 지속적으로 증가추세에 있다. 낚시어선 해양사고 증가로 국민들은 낚시어선에 대한 불안과 안전정책에 대한 불신이 높아지고 있다. 낚시어선 해양사고 중 충돌사고와 좌초사고는 발생 척수와 인명피해가 가장 높게 나타났다. 낚시어선 충돌사고와 좌초사고 발생 시 해상상태를 분석하여 보면 국지적으로 발생하는 안개 등기상요인이 사고원인으로 작용하고 있다. 해상의 안개는 해역, 계절 등 요인에 따라 발생지역과이동경로가 다양하다. 해상에서 안개 발생 시 시시각각 변화하는 안개정보를 신속⋅정확하게 수집⋅분석하여 낚시어선 선장에게 위험경보를 전파하여 해양사고를 방지 할수 있다. 해상기상정보를 바탕으로 해상상태별 낚시어선 안전조업통제제도를 마련하여 안전조업이 가능할 것이다.

Sea fishing has established itself as a popular means of marine leisure activity for the whole nation, with people’s increasing earnings, achievement of marine leisure culture and increasing interests in the ocean. The number of fishing vessels users reached about 4.8 million in 2019, and constantly increasing. However rise in marine accident of fishing vessels has caused escalating anxiety about fishing vessels and distrust of safety policies. Collision and stranding were the highest in the number of occurrences and casualties among marine accidents of fishing vessels. when analyzing the sea state in the accident of fishing vessels collision and stranding, weather factors such as regional occurring fog are the acting as the cause. The sea fog’s occurring areas and routes are various depending on the elements such as the sea area and season. When the sea fog occurs, marine accidents of fishing vessels can be possible to prevent by alerting ever-changing fog information to captain of fishing vessels, which is quickly and accurately collected and analyzed. Safe fishing, considering sea state, will be able to carried out by establishing “Control Regulation for Satety Fishing” for fishing vessels based on maritime weather information.
