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KCI등재 학술저널

중등 역사 교과서의 고려시기 지배세력 서술 변화

Changes in Description of Ruling Powers during Goryo Dynasty in Korean History Textbook: Across the teaching summary records and education curriculum revised on 2018

DOI : 10.22866/poeun.2022.30..63
  • 264

광복 이후 역사학자들의 가장 큰 과제는 일제가 구축한 식민사관으로부터 탈피하는 것이었다. 고려사회를 중세사회로 규정한 것이나 조선후기에 등장한 여러 가지 사회경제적 변화를 내재적 발전론이라는 시각에서 중시한 것이 그에 해당하는 대표적인 예이다. 이러한 역사학계의 연구 동향은 역사 교과서의 서술에도 중요한 영향을 끼쳤다. 역사 교과서에서 고려시대 집권층을 호족, 문벌, 무신, 권문세족, 신진사대부 등으로 분류한 것도 학계의 연구 성과와 밀접한 관련이 있다. 지배세력을 일컫는 용어나 개념은 연구자에 따라 달리 정의되고 분류될 수 있다. 그러한 과정에서 연구자들 간의 논쟁이나 비판이 있을 수도 있다. 서로 다른 견해를 지닌 연구자들 간의 논쟁은 특정한 정치세력이나 사건에 대한 개념을 명확히 하고, 구체화하는 데에 도움이 되기도 한다. 그러나 교과서에 특정 용어가 차용되는 순간부터는 이야기가 달라진다. 그것은 학생들의 역사적 사실에 대한 이해와 역사인식에 중요한 영향을 끼칠 수 있기 때문이다. 이에 본고에서는 현재의 역사교과서에 등장하는 고려시대의 지배세력인 호족, 문벌, 무신, 권문세족, 신진사대부라는 용어가 언제부터 어떻게 등장하였는지, 어떻게 변화하는 지 분석하였다. 교육과정의 변화에 따라 크게 시기를 교수요목기~제2차 교육과정 시기, 국정교과서 시기, 2007개정~2018개정 교육과정 시기로 나누고, 각 시기별로 교과서에 등장하는 지배세력을 지칭하는 용어들이 변화하는 양상과 배경을 추적하고 정리하였다.

This paper analyzed how the descriptions have been changed in Korean History textbooks on the ruling power during Goryo Dynasty. The ruling powers at Goryo Era were understood as changed in sequence of local clan, power family, military official, influential family and neo-nobility. But such terminologies were not described on the textbooks in the early stage. For example, using the terminology of local clan for the meaning of ‘ruling power emerged at the end of Sylla Dynasty’ was from the 3rd curriculum. Later, at the entry into the 6th education curriculum, the explanation on the patterns of local clan was added. The terminology of power family was changed to power family nobility at the 4th education curriculum when the terminologies of civil official, civil official nobility and clan power had been used firstly. They were unified to civil clan at the education curriculum revised on 2018. The military official and civil official were used in mix, and only the terminology of military official became to use from the 3rd education curriculum. The terminologies of Dobang (Urban unit), Seobang (Civil unit) and Jungbang (Political unit) emerged during the military official reigning era started to use widely. The power family clan that appeared at the interruption era of Yuan Dynasty used the terminologies of the power family nobility, Yuan friendly group and traditional noble family and they started to be expressed in power family clan at last during the 5th education curriculum. In the beginning, its meaning was Yuan Dynasty friendly power simply, but it was used for the meaning inclusive the powers in variety like the family, Yuan Dynasty friendly power and national king close associate. Using the terminology of nobility for calling the Confucian scholar at the end of Goryo Dynasty as currently was from the 3rd education curriculum. Starting of such using for the Confucian scholar who showed the stand-off position against the power family clan was firstly used in Korean History textbooks for middle school at the 3rd education curriculum. Later on, at the 4th education curriculum, the terminology of neo-nobility was used at last in Korean History textbooks for middle and high school. The terminologies and concept are important for the students’ understanding and categorizing the specific power or event. But it had been expressed differently at the specific era or by the researcher. In this meaning, looking into the trends of the concept and terminology can be important in studying history jointly.

1. 머리말

2. 교수요목기~제2차 교육과정 시기

3. 국정교과서 시기

4. 2007개정~2018개정 교육과정 시기

5. 맺음말
