최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Asia Social Science Vol.8 No.3.jpg

From “3T Mode” to “Cooperation Mode”-The Evolution of Network Public Opinion Governance Mode Involving Ethnic Factors in the New Media Era

From “3T Mode” to “Cooperation Mode”-The Evolution of Network Public Opinion Governance Mode Involving Ethnic Factors in the New Media Era

DOI : 10.51600/jass.2022.8.3.11

China's public opinion involving ethnic factors has the characteristics of complicated causes and difficult disposal, which are mainly caused by the rapid movement of ethnic groups, the intensification of social transformation and the influence of hostile forces. At present, there are some problems in our country's public opinion governance mechanism involving ethnic factors, such as nonstandard handling, low efficiency, insufficient handling power and weak basic work. We should improve our public opinion governance mechanism involving ethnic factors from three aspects: changing our understanding, changing our methods, changing our methods, covering up our secrets, making public introductions, and changing our effect, putting out the fire and emergency, and improving our rectification.

1. Intruduction

2. In the new media era, network public opinion governance involving ethnic factors needs to be managed urgently.

3. The "3T principle"-the backward model of network public opinion governance involving ethnic factors in the new media era.

4. "cooperative principle"-the inevitable choice of network public opinion governance involving ethnic factors in the new media era

5. The realistic dilemma of the network public opinion governance mode involving ethnic factors in the new era under the "cooperative principle"

6. Under the "cooperative principle", the optimization path of network public opinion governance mode involving ethnic factors in the new era

7. Conclusion

