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KCI등재후보 학술저널

식민지 근대 감옥과 여성수감자의 항일투쟁에 관한 연구

A Study on the Modern Penal System and an Anti-Japanese Fight of Female Inmates at Seodaemun Prison

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근대적인 감옥제도는 전근대적인 처벌제도에 비해 더 많은 재정을 필요로 하기 때문에 사회 전체의 변화를 통해 이러한 변화를 만들어간 서구와는 달리, 조선은 짧은 기간에 그것도 청일전쟁 이후의 비정상적인 정치적 상황 속에서 소수 집권세력의 의지만을 통해 근대적인 감옥제도를 도입해야 했다. 일제침략에 항거하고 독립을 쟁취하려는 3ㆍ1운동이 전국적으로 일어나면서 무차별적인 체포와 투옥으로 감옥의 수용인원은 급격히 증가하였다. 서대문형무소에 투옥된 3ㆍ1 운동 관련 독립운동가는 매우 격렬한 항일투쟁의 양상을 보였다. 이들의 ‘출신지별 현황’을 보면 서울 100명, 경기 316명 등으로 서울 경기 지역 출신이 약 59%를 차지하고 있고 전국적으로도 골고루 분포되어 있다. 이는 3ㆍ1운동이 전국적으로 일어난 데도 이유가 있겠지만 출신지역 등에서 3ㆍ1운동을 전개하다가 체포된 후 일제의 일방적인 판결에 불복하여 상고하거나 항소한 경우가 많았기 때문으로 추정된다. 여성수감자의 항일투쟁의 유형은 독립운동에서 계몽운동 등 다양한 영역에서 이루어졌음을 알 수 있다.

The study of the modern penal system was the imprisonment. During the transition from the pre-modern era to the modern era, the corporal punishment that directly afflicted the prisoner’s body in front of the public was replaced by a form of detention which separated the prisoner from society in accordance with the offense committed. This reform requires a change in prison system. The reformers at the end of the Joseon Dynasty introduced the Western prison system, but because of the political situation, it was impossible to execute it. The reform of the prison system was possible only after Japan became involved in the internal affairs of Joseon. This was because the modern prison system introduced as part of the Kab-o reformatiom was not free from the limit of heteronomy, like Kab-o reformatiom itself. This study analyzed Seodaemun Prison’s Inmate Record Cards(6,259 cards) to discuss the age, social status and occupation, offense and sentence, and relationships of 1,013 inmates who were confined at Seodaemun Prison because of the 3.1 Movement between 1919 and 1920. The inmates had a wide distribution of age from teens to the 60s. In particular, 42% were in their 20s and participated most actively. There were about 70 kinds of occupations, from students, religious leaders, and teachers to merchants, business owners, and labor workers. The inmates were recorded as political criminals who ‘violated the Security Act, etc.’ and over 99% of them were sentenced to over 6 months in prison, which was longer than the sentences for general crimes. Japan treated them as political criminals because the 3.1 Movement was considered as a reformation movement.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 갑오개혁과 「감옥규칙」의 제정과정

Ⅲ. 식민지 근대 감옥의 역사

Ⅳ. 여성수감자의 항일투쟁 유형분석

Ⅴ. 결론
