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KCI등재 학술저널

필사본 자료를 통해본 하이산의 모습

The Appearance of Khaisan as seen from the Manuscript Materials

DOI : 10.17292/kams.2022..71.002
  • 7

The manuscript “About Güng Khaisan”, in the archives of the Institute of History and Ethnography of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, is a 15 page hand written document, which outlines the activities and life of the Inner Mongolian nationalist activist Khaisan(海山, 1857-1917). In spite of certain confusing parts and incomplete descriptions of the document, it is still important for the study of the Mongolian independent movement of the early 20th century in that it is the first description about the life and activities of Khaisan in order, under a coherent system. In particular, this document outlines his activities from 1907, when he first came to Khüree(now Ulaanbaatar) to 1915, until he returned to China. This document is also important because it is the record of G. Nawangnamjil(1882-1954), a representative intellectual of modern Mongolia, who closely assisted Khaisan in the Ministry of Interior of the Bogd Khaan government, where he served after the declaration of independence in 1911. With this in mind, the author attempted a full-scale analysis of this data. First, the appearance of Khaisan as one of the initiators of Mongolia's independence in 1911 was reviewed. Second, the appearance of Khaisan as a scholarly official, well-versed in internal and external circumstances, was reviewed. Third, the appearance of Khaisan as an indomitable national unificationist was reviewed. In the conclusion, Nawaannamjil’s evaluation of the reasons for Khaisan's return to China, on which opinions had been differed among scholars, was reviewed.

1. 서론

2. 1911년 몽골 독립의 발의자

3. 국내외 정세에 정통한 학자 관리

4. 불굴의 민족통합론자

5. 결론
