충남평야지에서 극조생 ‘빠르미’ 벼 이앙시기에 따른 생육 및 품질 변화
Changes in Growth and Quality Traits According to Transplanting Dates using ‘Bbareumi’, an Extremely Early Maturing Rice Cultivar, in the Chungnam Plain Area
- 한국육종학회
- 한국육종학회지
- Vol.54 No.4
- : KCI등재
- 2022.12
- 305 - 314 (10 pages)
This study was performed to determine the optimum transplanting dates of ‘Bbareumi’ in the Chungnam Plain area. ‘Bbareumi’ was transplanted into a rice research field of Chungnam Agricultural Research and Extension Services at intervals of approximately 15 days from April 17th to August 1st in 2019 and 2020. The heading dates of ‘Bbareumi’ were June 23rd to September 2nd depending on transplanting dates. The highest milled-rice yield was 5.61 MT/ha on May 1st and the lowest was 3.65 MT/ha on August 1st. As the transplanting date was delayed, protein content increased; however, the number of days from transplanting to heading decreased. Protein content and the number of days from transplanting to heading showed a highly significant correlation (R2 = 0.802**). Therefore, it was found that early transplanting was beneficial to produce lower protein content because head rice percentage was 84-87% for early (April 17th to May 16th), 74-80% normal (June 1st to June 16th), and 86-95% for the late transplanting date (July 1st to August 1st). The mean temperature during the ripening stage differed according to the transplanting dates, and early transplanting showed a lower temperature than the normal one (May 16th to June 15th) and a higher head rice percentage. Therefore, extremely early maturing rice cultivars should be transplanted between late April and early May to obtain lower protein content and higher head rice percentage. These results will be useful for rice breeding programs, as it is generally recognized that early transplanting results in poor rice quality; however, this study revealed contrasting results.
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