최근 검색어 전체 삭제
日本語文學 第99輯.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

가상현실(VR) 활용과 문화 간 의사소통능력 관계 연구

A Study on the Utilization of Virtual Reality and the Development of Intercultural Communicative Competence in Culture Class: Focusing on Japanese Culture Class

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2022..99.005

本研究は仮想現実(VR)を活用した日本文化授業で学習者の文化間コミュニケーション能力の発達関係を考察している。日本文化授業を受講した40人の学生を対象にGoogle cardbordを活用して学習者に物理的かつ時間的な壁を越えた仮想空間で目標言語及び目標文化に対する露出と意味ある文化間コミュニケーションが可能な経験的学習を提供しようとした。その結果、学習者は仮想環境で具体的な経験を通じて日本文化に対する知識が向上し、文化間のコミュニケーション能力の発達に効果を確認することができた。特に日本語を日常的に使わないJFL(Japanese as a Foreign Language)学習者に日本文化に自然に接する機会を提供した。しかし、VRを活用した日本文化授業はVR機器の品質や動画コンテンツの不足など授業を進めるには現実的な問題もあることが確認できた。特にVR機器の長時間使用による酔い、めまい、嘔吐などの問題もあるだけに、VRを活用した効果的な文化授業を行うためには高等教育においても教授同士の効果的な教授法及び授業方法に関する研究が必要であり、学習者も積極的に参加し、学習に対する動機づけや楽しさを感じられる教育環境の改善と発展が必要である。

This study examines the developmental relationship of learners’ intercultural communication competence in Japanese culture classes using virtual reality (VR). Google Cardboard was used to provide learners with empirical learning and meaningful intercultural communication in virtual spaces across physical and time boundaries, which allowed the learners to improve their knowledge of Japanese culture through specific experiences in virtual spaces. We confirmed the effective development of environmental and cultural communication skills. In particular, JFL (Japanese as a Foreign Language) learners who do not use Japanese on a daily basis were provided with an opportunity to interact with Japanese culture naturally. However, it has been confirmed that Japanese culture classes using VR have substantial problems with the progress of classes, such as improving the quality of VR devices and lack of video content. In particular, effective teaching methods and teaching methods among professors are needed in higher education, because the long-term use of VR devices has limitations such as motion sickness, dizziness, and vomiting. Furthermore, it is necessary to improve and develop an educational environment in which learners can actively participate, concentrate, and be interested.

1. 서론

2. 선행연구

3. 연구 방법

4. 연구결과

5. 결론 및 제언

