최근 검색어 전체 삭제
日本語文學 第99輯.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

이나가키 다루호의 『별을 파는 가게』가 가진 환상성과 사실성의 경계

The Boundary between Fantasy and Reality in Inagaki Daruho’s Hosi-o Uru Mise: Focusing on the Possibility of Extending the Representation of Reality

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2022..99.013

この研究では、最初に幻想的な小説と旅行者によるリアリティの表象、そして怪奇的な物語がどのようにノーブルの領域に編入されたのか、そのプロセスを検討した。そして、『星を売る店』の構造を分析し、非日常空間を日常空間として持たされた「私」の物語言説とそれによるプロセスが、先行研究で提起された日常人の視線と旅人の視線、両方からも説明できない部分があることを確認した。その後、このような小説の構造が私小説の文壇でどのような位置を占め、それがモダン的プロットと描写として受け入れられるまで、小説の方法的な面で幻想的な物語の可能性を考察した。 その結果、本研究では『星を売る店』による「私」の物語言説のプロセスを小説のプロットの新たな発見という側面で検証することができ、幻想的な物語のリアリティ獲得が小説方法論として、どのような意味を持つことができるか、その可能性を提起することができた。

In this study, I first examined the process of how the fantastic novel, the representation of reality by the traveler, and the monstrous narrative entered the realm of the noble. Then, through the structural analysis of Hosi-o Uru Mise, the process of the “I” gaze, in which the extraordinary space is held as an everyday space, was distanced from both the gaze of the everyday person and the traveler, both of which were raised in previous studies. The paper then examined the possibility of a fantastic narrative in terms of the methodological aspects of the novel, until it was accepted as a modern plot and description, and what place such a novel‘s structure occupied in the literary circles of private fiction. As a result, this study was able to examine this process in terms of the discovery of the novel’s plot, and to raise the possibility of what the acquisition of reality by the fantastic narrative can mean in terms of a narrative methodology.

1. 들어가며

2. 환상적 소설과 사실성, 그리고 여행기

3. 『별을 파는 가게』의 환상성과 사실성 - ‘나’의 시선이 가지는 이중적 위치

4. ‘다시 쓰기’를 통한 소설 방법론적 가능성 - 환상적 이야기와 사소설 문단 사이

5. 나가며

