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日本語文學 第99輯.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

일본 고전문화 및 문학의 확장성과 응용

The Extensibility and Applicability of Japanese Classic Culture and Literature: Focussing on the KDDI au Santaro-Series

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2022..99.017


There is a TV commercial ‘Santaro-Series’ provided by the mobile phone company ‘KDDI’, which advertises the mobile phone ‘au’. Since 2015, this commercial series has been ranked number 1 for seven years in a row in ‘the popular commercial contest’. The so-called ‘Santaro’ consists of Momo-taro, Kin-taro, and Urashima-taro, all of whom have been widely known as a protagonist of famous old tales of Japan. The commercial series is based on these three figures. Moreover, in the commercial series, Kaguya-hime, a central figure in The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter, is introduced as the wife of Momo-taro, and many other figures in the Japanese classic literature are also featured. There are several reasons why the commercial series has gained so much popularity. First, whilst some existing properties of these figures are maintained, a new, unique personality is assigned to each figure in order to create new stories. Second, whilst the story lines are also generally maintained, various new changes have been made to break down the fixed ideas of these stories. Third, the production teams have tried hard to provide the viewers with fresh perspectives. Thanks to the commercial series, the sales of KDDI have increased gradually, and KDDI is now the second biggest company in the industry, with a slight difference in sales between KDDI and the industry leader. The present study also considers the ways in which this commercial series is made use of for lectures at universities in Korea.

1. 들어가며

2. 산타로 시리즈 원작(原作) 분석

3. 산타로 시리즈의 효과와 영향

4. 교육 현장에서의 접목

5. 결론

