This study is involved with the role of film watchers' responses toward a specific motion picture in explaining the images of the place it depicted. Affective reactions were classified into three factors, pleasure, arousal, and sadness. Significant effects on cognitive images were found for pleasure and sadness. Pleasure also influenced the pleasant-unpleasant dimension of the affective image, but the effect of arousal on the affective image(relaxingsleepy dimension) was not significant statistically. Two cognitive variables, nature/culture and leisure opportunities influenced the overall image directly or indirectly through the affective image. These results reveal that ‘mood congruence hypothesis’ may be more useful than ‘affect transfer hypothesis’ in understanding the effects of one's affective responses in destination image formation process .
I. 서론
II. 이론적 배경
III. 연구가설과 연구모형
IV. 연구방법
V. 연구결과
VI. 논의 및 결론