비자발적 수용환경의 호텔 프론트오피스시스템 이용 예측
Predicting the Usage of Hotel Front Office System in Mandatory Acceptance Environment: Information System Quality, Job Relevance, Perceived Value, and Technology Acceptance Model Approach in FIDELIO
This paper is a study on the relationship between antecedents and users‘ acceptance of hotel front office system through extension of the technology acceptance model proposed by Davis (1986), based on the survey data from 239 hotel employees of front desk, housekeeping, and others In order to extend the previous model, new constructs such as information quality, system quality, service quality, job relevance, and perceived value were added to the research model. Overall, four dependent variables were investigated in their relationships with antecedents. Results of analysis indicates the significance of the new constructs introduced in this study with the exception of two paths (Information quality → Perceived ease of use, Service quality → Perceived usefulness).
I. 서론
II. 이론적 배경 및 연구가설
III. 연구방법
IV. 분석결과
V. 결론 및 시사점