최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

여가 소비 양식의 분석을 위한 문화자본 이론의 적용

Mode of Leisure Consumption and Cultural Capital: Bourdieu's Cultural Theory

  • 16

Based on Bourdieu's efforts on cultural capital, this paper explores the role of cultural capital in the formation of leisure taste and social reproduction. The concept of cultural capital was developed to analyze the impact of culture on the class system and on the relationship between action and social structure. Cultural capital is an indicator and a basis of class position, cultural attitudes, preferences, and behaviors are conceptualized as taste which are being mobilized for social selection. Leisure tastes such as leisure preference, attitude, and choice of destination and leisure activities vary with cultural and economic capital. Leisure tastes are production of individual's subjective life and formed by individual's social position. From the sociological perspective, this study suggests several research problems to be solved.

I. 서론

II. 아비투스로서의 취향

III. 문화자본의 유형과 특성

IV. 문화자본과 여가 소비 양식

V. 결론

