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세계역사와 문화연구 제64집.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

1864년 삼도수군통제사 백은진(白殷鎭)의 향약 시행에 관한 일고찰

Study on the Implementation of Hyangyak by Commander-in-Chief of the Samdo Naval Force Baek Eun-jin in 1864

  • 60

본 논문은 1846년 삼도수군통제사 백은진이 시행한 통영향약에 대해서 살펴보았다. 통영향약은 삼도수군통제영이 위치하고 있었던 고성현 춘원면 지역을 중심으로 시행되었다. 춘원면은 지방행정구역상 고성현에 속한 한 면이지만 그 규모를 살펴볼 때 독립된 행정구역만큼의 영향력을 가지고 있었다. 통영향약 운영의 특징은 첫째, 통영향약은 선적과 과적 작성을 강조하였다. 통영향약은 면회나 리회 등에서 여러 사람들과 상의하여 선적과 과적에 이름을 작성하였는데, 특징적인 점은 천역(賤役)에 종사하는 무리라도 문장이 우수한 자거나 무예가 뛰어난 자 등은 선적에 기록하고, 이중 논의하여 면천(免賤)이나 승교(升校)를 시키도록 한 규정이다. 둘째, 통영향약의 임원은 교장, 집헌, 직월로 구성되어 있으며, 말단 행정구역의 백성들에게까지도 향약의 영향을 미칠 수 있도록 임원을 구성하였다. 셋째, 통영향약 모임은 면회와 리회가 있다. 또한 매월 1일 마을별로 향약원들이 모여 향약의 약조를 듣도록 하였는데, 이 모임은 도교장과 부교장이 직접 살펴보았다.

This paper examines Tongyeong Hyangyak, which was implemented in 1846 by Baek Eun-jin, a Commander-in-Chief of the Samdo Naval Force who was in charge of three provinces in the South. Tongyeong Hyangyak was administered mainly in the area of Chunwon-myeon, Goseong-hyeon, where Samdo Naval Base was located. As Chunwon-myeon’s governance was centered around the naval base, it was distinguished Chunwon-myeon from other regions. In fact, with a local administrative perspective, it is just one of many districts belonged to Goseong-hyeon. However, with the population perspective, it had as much influence as an independent administrative district. In 1846, Baek Eun-jin implemented the Tongyeong Hyangyak to edify the people with the customs promoted by the society. The unique features of the operation of Tongyeong Hyangyak are as follows. First, the recording of good, Sunjuk, and bad, Gwajuk, behaviors was emphasized. The names to be listed on Sunjuk and Gwajuk were decided after consulting with various people at myeon-unit meetings or li-unit meetings. Moreover, the extraordinary feature of Tongyeong Hyangyak is even those who belonged to the bottom of the social hierarchy, if a person had a potential to contribute to the society such as excellent skills in writing or outstanding martial arts skills could be recorded in Sunjuk. In addition, it had a rule which allowed some of them to be released from their social classes after. Second, the executives of Tongyeong Hyangyak consist of the Kyojang, Jibhun and Jikwol. and this structure was formed so that Hyangyak could be implemented even to the residents of the smallest administrative districts. Third, Tongyeong Hyangyak had a myeon-unit meeting and li- unit meeting. Also, on the 1st of every month, the members of hyangyak gathered in each village to listen to the contents of hyangyak. These meetings were observed at random by Dokyojang and Bookyojang.(ChungAng University)

Ⅰ. 서언

Ⅱ. 통영향약의 시행 배경

Ⅲ. 통영향약 운영의 특징

Ⅳ. 결언
